2025 Family Grants & College Scholarships

For more information or questions on the following scholarships, please contact Sara Christie at sarac@wyckoffreformed.org.

  1. Christian Camps & Conferences FAmily Fund

    • We will collect applications for this grant on a rolling basis.

    • This grant is for active Wyckoff Reformed families that have a child attending one of the Christian Camps & Conferences camps this summer: Brookwoods, Deer Run, and Moose River Outpost. Families may receive $500 per student. You may read the recipient requirements and apply for a grant online or by completing the paper form and sending it via email to Jessica Siecieska at jessicas@wyckoffreformed.org.

  2. Van Grouw Family Memorial Scholarship

    • We will collect applications for this scholarship between March 15 - April 18.

    • This scholarship was established in 1998 through the bequest of WRC member John Van Grouw, on behalf of himself and in loving memory of his wife Peggy, daughter, Joan and son-in-law, Donald Holman. Scholarships are available to high school seniors and undergraduates enrolled and pursuing a bachelor’s or associate’s degree at an accredited college or university. 

      Please note that while the application portion is available online, you’ll have have to submit a transcript and financial disclosure form to Jessica at jessicas@wyckoffreformed.org. If you’re in need of a paper application, please contact Sara Christie at sarac@wyckoffreformed.org.

      Click here for the ONLINE student application.

      Click here for the ONLINE parental financial disclosure. This MUST be submitted with the application.

  3. Lowell and Janis Cook Seminary Scholarship

    • We will collect applications for this scholarship between March 15 - April 18. This scholarship was established in 2014 to support WRC members who may feel a call to the ministry of Christ, and therefore have enrolled in graduate degree programs at accredited seminaries. 

      Click here for this year's application.