Join us for worship at 10:30am in the field behind our parking lot! Bring your own chair and wear a mask. Based on forecasts as of 5:00pm Saturday, if the weather looks poor or if the temperature at 10:30am Sunday is predicted to be below 45, a decision will be made to move worship into Heneveld Hall. Below are the guidelines for those who would like to gather outside:
· We will be worshiping in the field up behind the parking lot and the stand of cedars. No seating will be provided, so bring your own chairs or blankets. There will be concentric arcs painted on the grass going out from the “front" at regular intervals. We ask you to find a place to sit along these arcs as they will allow you to more easily judge your distance from others. Please maintain at least 6 feet from other households.
· Masks will be mandatory as you arrive for worship, while speaking or singing and as you leave the gathering. Once you are seated you may remove your mask.
· We also ask those who arrive first to find a place to sit on the far side of the field so that we might fill the space from one end to the other and limit walking past each other as much as possible.
· At-risk populations are asked to weigh their risk and consider remaining at home.
· Anyone experiencing symptoms connected to COVID-19 or who have been exposed to someone with the virus in the last 14 days are asked to remain at home. We ask you to also observe New Jersey’s quarantine guidelines after travel.
· Masks are required for those present, except those exempt due to age or condition. Disposable masks will be available. While actively leading the service, Andy and Sam will not be wearing masks, but will be at least 15 feet away from anyone and will wear masks while not actively leading.
· No coffee hour or refreshments will be offered, and socializing is discouraged before, during, and after the service to maintain social distancing.
· Indoor restrooms will be accessible from the Nursery School entrance only. Guests are asked to wear masks, use the hand sanitizer stand upon entry to the building, limit the number of people using the restrooms at the same time, wash their hands properly afterwards, and refrain from entering the rest of the building.
· Printed bulletins will not be distributed. An order of worship will be distributed as a pdf by email for attendees to print beforehand and be available on the Home Worship page of our website ( if you would like to have it available on a device.
· Preschool - Elementary children will be dismissed prior to the sermon for an outdoor children’s lesson near the columbarium. Masks will be required. You may check-in your child prior to worship and check them out when you pick them up following worship.
· An offering will not be collected during the service. An offering box will be placed near the entrance of the field to collect your gifts before and after worship. You are encouraged to continue to give online or by mail wherever possible.
· Attendance will be taken to be able to notify everyone present if anyone later tests positive for COVID-19.
· Any attendee who tests positive for COVID-19 in the subsequent 14 days is asked to notify the church office so that all other attendees can be notified of their potential exposure. This notification will maintain the anonymity of those with the virus.
We know that these guidelines may be stricter and more detailed than some of you would like. However, we also know that some among us are looking carefully at these guidelines to judge whether or not they feel comfortable joining this community which they love on Sunday morning. Therefore, we ask that you follow these guidelines fully and diligently for the sake of your brothers and sisters in Christ whose decision is more difficult.